Thursday, September 03, 2015

"The light goes on when I open the door."

I don't think I had any particular deep meaning when I wrote this little ditty. It's just a funny line about the light that pops on when you open the refrigerator. Today I'm reading more into it, however. I've been battling some depression lately, and at least part of the problem is that I am sort of existing in a very close world. I haven't been gigging or working, and my school is all online. The only other person I see on a regular basis is Hitomi. No matter how much I love her, as Kurt Vonnegut said, "Two is just not enough people." Plus, being in Des Moines is frustrating, but that's a topic for another day. In any case, I need to take some advice from Auntie Mame: "Open a new window! Open a new door!" Maybe if I open the door a little more, the light will come on.

"The light goes on when I open the door."

© 2014 Brian Hutzell

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