Sunday, October 18, 2015

"To God and Back"

Some of my early lyrics are naïve and weird, and I like them very much. Maybe it’s because they remind me of younger days, when I felt free to experiment. I was testing my wings. This morning I played trombone in a 20-piece orchestra for church, and I only did a so-so job. I haven’t been practicing, so that’s not surprising. Music has taken a back seat to school and writing and reading and history and art. Things change. Things fall apart. I’m trying to put them together in a whole new way.

To God and Back

© 1984 Brian Hutzell

When I went to high school people asked me who I was
So I told them
When I graduated they knew who I was
When I left for college, they asked me who I was
I said, "I am someone special,"
And they knew my name
On my very first job: "Where are you going?"
I said, "To the top!"
And they remembered me

Working my way up I was asked, "Who are you?"
I told them as I rose above them, "Don't forget my name."
I traveled to the far side of the country
And they said, "Who are you?"
I told them, "Someone big."
Now they recognize me
I went to other countries and they asked me who I was
I said, "I'm a leader," and they took me for a king.

I visited other people in a galaxy far away
And they asked me who I was
I said, "I come from Earth."
They asked me, "What is Earth?"
I told them and they worshipped me as a god
At the end of the universe I leapt into the next
And they asked me who I was
I told them, "I am god."
They asked, "What is a god?"
I told them and they said, "You're crazy!"

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