Thursday, October 15, 2015

"A Very Strange Feeling"

I’ve been doing a lot of writing for school lately. If nothing else, this term has been good practice for my writing chops. Every writer says the key to writing is writing. Who would have guessed? I say I want to be a writer, but I don’t do enough writing. I think it was Truman Capote who said everyone wants to have written, but no one wants to write. I’m guilty of that. Well, from now on, I’m going to make a better effort to stay consistent with my writing. Do it every day! This blog is a good place for me to dabble and try things. So is school.

None of this has anything to do with the song at hand. Here is a breakup song from an early collection of mine. I recorded it as part of Making a Mess. The follow-up was supposed to be Another Fine Mess (a little tip o’ the hat to Laurel & Hardy), but I never completed it.

A Very Strange Feeling

© 1984 Brian Hutzell

How could your parents look at me that way?
The same way they've looked at me a thousand times before
How could they sit and smile
And all the while
Talk as if we were still to be married
What did you say to make them play that not so innocent game?
I know that they knew and that they didn't know I did too

It's a very strange feeling
Seeing you while you're seeing
The man who changed our plans

What do the friends we had together say
When they see you not with me, but holding someone's hand?

It's a very strange feeling
Seeing them while they're seeing
A new face in my place

Do I look different to them?
Have I changed in their eyes?
Am I less?
I think I hear them whispering

"Collage Portrait"

Brian Hutzell

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