Monday, June 29, 2015

"Build a Better Data-BASS"

Build a Better Data-BASS
© 2013 Brian Hutzell

As I write this, I am listening to an album by Keith Green. I greatly respect his voice, his piano playing, and his songwriting. Where I part with Mr. Green, though, is the content of his lyrics—the very thing he no doubt considered the very essence of everything he did. The late Keith Green was one of the first performers to blend pop and rock music with a deeply felt Christian message. I envy the conviction of my religious friends. It must be nice to believe with every fiber of your being that there is a deity that is all-knowing and all-powerful and that he is ON YOUR SIDE! Wow! We could all use an ally like that. But much as I’ve tried to believe, I remain filled with doubt. The one thing I’ve definitely learned in my quest is that faith cannot be forced. So the evangelicals can consider me a bound-for-hell sinner. I consider myself still a searcher. Meanwhile, I am thoroughly enjoying this music. 

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