Monday, June 15, 2015

"Auditions" with commentary

My most fertile period musically was between the years 1984-1989, when I was living in Boston and Medford, Massachusetts. I cranked out a lot of songs, and even managed to record many of them. “Auditions” was part of a concept cassette called “Reruns.” While the recording was just a rough 4-track, and never heard by more than a few of my friends, it’s one of which I’m most proud. Ever since those few heady years, I’ve been trying to recapture the magic. While I later wrote better songs and made better recordings, I was never as happy and productive as a songwriter-musician as I was during that period.


© Brian Hutzell 1985

Lining up
Listing our credits
Try to look casual
As if it happens every day
Doesn't it?
Every day in my room
I rehearse
And I try
To perfect every movement

Trying to make it right
I'm right on time
I know the lines
I'm not even tired
From staying up all night
Wanna be an overnight success
                        "Excuse me, miss..."
I can write this up in my diary:

The day I came to auditions

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