Thursday, June 25, 2015

"BASS-ic Training"

BASS-ic Training

© 2013 Brian Hutzell

In any band, the rhythm section’s main job is to provide a steady beat. That being the case, why do so many people, musicians especially, get upset when the drums & bass are provided by a drum machine and sequencer? I’ve heard complaints that the machines are “too perfect.” Is that possible? Isn’t a steady beat what you want? And those machines can play tremendously difficult licks perfectly every single time! If you saw a live rhythm section playing that well, you’d be very impressed. The “live” concert experience is another subject open to many debates: How much of the show is pre-taped? How much is sequenced? How much is performed by additional musicians who are out of site? Does any of  that matter as long as the show is entertaining? At larger shows, is anybody beyond the first few rows even looking at the musicians? No! They’re all staring at the big screens. The band really needn’t bother showing up at all.

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