Thursday, December 03, 2015

"Oceans Apart"

Here’s another Plastic Mikey song with only two chords. It became a quest for us to see how much we could do with how little. Other two-chord songs include “The Temptress,” “A-Bomb” and “Driving Home.” But we didn’t stop there! We also had one-chord songs like “Asteroid,” “Storm,” and “Acid Rain.” “Dance of the Clay People” actually started out as a one note song: E.

Oceans Apart

© 1994 Kevin Dempsey and Brian Hutzell

I listen to your stories
Your friends are more familiar to me than my own
I've lived a longer life but I have less to show
Still, I'm so very thankful we can talk
Even if we only talk of nothing

You're my friend and you stand by me
But I know, deep in my heart, we're oceans apart
I can depend on your empathy
But I know, deep in my heart, we're oceans apart

You ease my worries
It's comforting to know I'm special to someone
And that the cards I've sent won't soon be forgotten
Our lives are facing different directions
It's a miracle we ever met at all

You're my friend and you stand by me
But I know, deep in my heart, we're oceans apart
I can depend on your empathy
But I know, deep in my heart, we're oceans apart

We do not belong together
We'd fail any compatibility test
But you're there in the foulest of weather
So I'd be a fool to protest

Your lifestyle makes me wince
Your opinions don't convince
I disagree with you on nearly every point but since...

You're my friend, you can count on me
Though I know, deep in my heart, we're oceans apart
You can depend on my empathy
Though I know, deep in my heart, we're oceans apart

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