Sunday, January 03, 2016


I am currently taking classes online through Upper Iowa University. Tomorrow begins a new term, and with it the start of two new classes, one on writing and one on art. Returning to school at my age is a bit frightening, but also exciting. I enjoy learning, and am hoping the experience will open some new doors and windows for me.

This is one of a bunch of songs I wrote shortly after graduating from the University of Massachusetts Boston with a BS in Finance. I recorded it as part of a 5-song piano/vocal demo tape. The recording received one favorable review (in Des Moines) and one scathing review (in Chicago). I think both reviews missed the mark, respectively loving or loathing it for the wrong reasons.


© 1992 Brian Hutzell and Wally Koekebakker

Words that I hear
I need to hear them from you
Words I've heard today
Tell me anyway
Why can't I sleep?
The questions won't keep any longer

Judy Judy
Judy, you are the light that makes me feel so warm
Judy Judy
Words that I need tonight
I know you'll tell me in the morning

Wish you were here
Another day floats on by
I feel less secure
In a love that's matured
Consumed in the fire of a passion much higher and stronger

Judy Judy
Judy, you are the light that makes me feel so warm
Judy Judy
Thoughts I'm thinking tonight don't always leave me by morning

Go away, suspicion
Don't like to be in this condition
I'd like to believe your honesty, but it doesn't look promising

Judy Judy
Judy, you are the light that makes me feel so warm
Judy Judy
Words that I need tonight...still missing in the morning

“December Blues 11”

Brian Hutzell
from December Blues
Part 12 of MMXIII Variations

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