Sunday, September 28, 2014

Short pieces about my art: "Huck Finn"

“Huck Finn,” one of the classic barefooters from one of the finest American novels! Mark Twain has long been one of my favorite writers, but he is also a cautionary example, along with Kurt Vonnegut, John Lennon, etc. of what happens when an idealist becomes disillusioned. I hope I never descend to that level of depression and/or bitterness. I once wrote a song called “Bitter Young Man.” It was a response to Billy Joel’s “Angry Young Man,” and also to George Bailey’s character in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” To me, that is a very depressing movie. The only guy who gets what he wants is mean old Mr. Potter. But I’ll save that rant for another post. In the meantime, please enjoy "Huck Finn."

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