Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"Let Me See Your Stool"

I intended this song to be part of TFM, and even had a recording of it nearly finished before it was accidentally erased. When I found myself not terribly concerned over its loss, I began to rethink my dedication to my songwriting and recording. If losing an entire song was no big deal to me, maybe it was time to try something else. That was the beginning of a line of thought that eventually led to my return to college in 1987. I applied to both Tufts University and the University of Massachusetts. The latter accepted me, so that is where I went to earn my BS degree.

Last August, I returned to school once again, this time to earn my Master of Public Administration (MPA) at Upper Iowa University. I did not stay in that program for long, however. It seemed in too many ways to be duplicating some of the management classes I took while earning my BS in Finance. Instead, I have been taking an assortment of undergraduate humanities courses: history, philosophy, art, and writing. This coming autumn, I may be attending a different school, but no final decision has been made yet. In any case, the return to college has been initially frightening, at times frustrating, but overall rewarding. If nothing else, it has given my brain a badly needed jumpstart, and is forcing me to do a lot of reading, thinking, and writing.

Let Me See Your Stool

© 1985 Brian Hutzell

Let me see your stool
Is it firm, is it long
Were you sitting there for long?
Did it burn, did it hurt
Did it come in little spurts?
Is it gushy, does it smell?
Is it big or is it small
How's the color, is it green?
Is it brown, please let me see
Don't flush, let me see

“Untitled 2”

From Bouncing Suit 3
© 2005 Brian Hutzell

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