Tuesday, November 04, 2014

“Write Your Worries In The Sand”

“Write Your Worries In The Sand”
© 2002 Brian Hutzell
16 x 7-1/8 x 3/4 inches
milk paint on wood

My worries these days are centered around two things: money and age. I can’t do much about the second one, but I can and should do something about the first one. Unfortunately, the age thing does impact the money thing. I am 50, and there are times when it feels like just too late for anything. I must fight to keep my attitude positive. As much as I scoff at books like The Secret, The Power of Positive Thinking, and anything by Joel Osteen, those people who have faith in them do indeed seem happier than me. Maybe they’re onto something. I should possibly start scoffing and start believing.

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