Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My Online Legacy

Not that anyone is itching to do this, but if someone were to make a comprehensive catalog of all my online activity, it would reveal a reasonably large mish-mash of artwork, music, photos, blog posts, and other miscellaneous writing. It would also reveal that most of this content is of dubious quality. Some of it is just plain awful. *sigh*

But with only a couple of exceptions, I have made no attempt to remove even the really embarrassing stuff. That sort of self-censorship seems somehow to go against the spirit of the internet, and certainly against my own spirit of documenting my experiments with a variety of creative forms. Plus, I’m not running for political office, so I really don’t care who turns up dirt on me. Besides, most of my dirt is relatively clean.

Now if you want to see what a couple of guys who actually know what they’re doing online can make, check out any of the many projects Hank and John Green have put out there for our entertainment and education:

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