As has been the case with my Barefoot Wordsmith blog, I have
been sorely neglecting this AladdinFoot blog. Shame on me. I can do better. And
doing better is the topic of today’s discussion. 2018 is now one month old, and
I’m not yet sure it’s any better than 2017. In fact, given that I’m at present
in pain as the result of a recent hernia operation, it actually feels a little worse
than last year at this point. BUT…the operation was a necessary surgery, and
now it’s done and I’m on the mend, so looked at in this light, I’m better off
than before the surgery.
Right there is an example of something I can do to make 2018
better: I can reshape my attitude. My current pain is not unnecessary
suffering, but rather a sign that something unpleasant (hernia) has been fixed.
I can focus on the positive. It won’t
make the pain go away, but it will make me feel better about the pain.